

【印刷可能】 reported speech tell say 245978-Reported speech tell say ask

Say/said or tell/told (continue) Start Up Language School is accepting enrollment for English students everyday For more information, you can contact to learn English with Start Up language school 011 292 026 / 010 292 026 or chat to the page directlyWe use reported speech when we want to tell someone what someone said We usually use a reporting verb (eg say, tell, ask, etc) and then change the tense of what was actually said in direct speechWe use say and tell in different ways in reported speech Say focuses on the words someone said and tell focuses more on the content or message of what someone said 'Hello,' she said Not 'Hello,' she told She told him they were going on holiday (The focus is on the information) We use say with direct speech Direct And Reported Speech Blog In2english Reported speech tell say ask

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